Monday, September 15, 2014

8 Best Homemade Face masks for Oily Skin

Gram flour face mask

Oily skin is the most irritating skin type among all the skin tones. Greasy skin catches dirt and impurities very easily from its surroundings, moreover it tend to break out easily. Additional oil secretion on skin demands extra attention to be healthy and glowing. Homemade face masks for oily skin can treat many skin problems generated due to the nature of this kind of skin. Acne, spots, blackheads, greasy lines are few common by products of oily skin. Have a look on below at home natural remedies. And who knows, you may be able to find a best cure for your oily skin problems.
Gram flour, turmeric, lemon and milk mask for oily skin care
Two tablespoons gram flour  five drops of lemon juice, half teaspoon of turmeric powder, two to three tablespoon of milk and water as needed, all these ingredients make a perfect face pack for oily skin. Apply it for 20 minutes and wash off. It does deep cleansing and removes dead cells from the facial skin, giving a clear appearance. This mask will act as a natural exfoliating scrub for oily skin.

If you own a dry skin, then have a look at Home Remedies for Facial Dry Skin On face
Lemon and Milk to make face pack
Multani mitti / Fuller’s earth face mask is best
Homemade multani mitti face masks are very good in soaking dirt and oil from the oily skin surface. Multani mitti also known as fuller’s earth is an age old remedy to treat acne and pimples. It’s an effective cleanser that can prevent breakouts. You can get rid of extra shine, greasiness and oil with clay masks as they have oil reducing properties.
face mask can be made at home with multani mitti as a basic ingredient. Take two tablespoons of fuller’s earth powder and soak it in water for half an hour. Add a tbs of rose water and few drops of lemon juice. If the mixture is still thick then you should mix some water to it. A tbs of milk can be added to avoid over dryness. A This face mask will clean up your face, improves blood circulation, remove excess oil and dead cells from skin.
You can apply this clay mask twice or thrice a week.
Oil free milk and lemon mask
Oily skin needs moisture in a limit. In fact it requires oil – free moisturizer. Milk combined with few drops of lemon mask is ideal for the people who have oily skin. It acts as a natural cleanser. Lemon reduces the oiliness while milk gives the skin a soft and glowing touch of moisture that oily skin needed.
Tomatoes masks to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores
Tomatoes face masks are very effective to handle oily facial skin as it helps in dissolving extra oil while shrinking the size of large looking pores. A tomato has natural astringent properties which make it perfect for this.
Mash a red tomato and apply on face for 15 minutes. You can apply this homemade face mask thrice a week. It will make your skin healthy, toned and flawless by reducing the appearance of blemishes and acne scars.
Lemon juice to control oily skin
This is the fact that lemon irritates skin but at the same time lemon juice is very suitable to prevent oily skin problems. Like tomato and papaya, lemon is also rich in Vitamin C, so appropriate for oily skin. The best part of using lemon on face is its astringent and bleaching effect on skin.
Oily skin people suffer from acne, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Lemon can be added to face masks prepared at home to smartly deal with all the troubles of greasy and shiny skin. Your skin will feel clearer, fresh and clean of all the dirt and impurities after using lemon on face.
You can apply fresh lemon juice on your skin to clean and reduce oiliness from the top layer of the skin. If your body is oily like your facial skin then you should add half a lemon to the bath tub to get rid of excessive oil.

Papaya to remove excess oil from face
Orange peel is a well  remedy to manage over shiny skin. Orange peel are first dried in shade and then powdered to make a face mask for controlling oily skin. It can be used with water or curd or milk. Homemade orange peel masks cleans, opens clogged pores and its astringent properties reduces extra oil from the skin.
Mixture of Rose water, glycerin and lemon
Mix equal portions of rose water, glycerin and lemon juice and apply on facial skin. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off. You can store this lotion in freeze for daily skin care routine. Keep it in glass bottle. Lemon has anti-bacterial properties, thus perfect for acne prone oily skin. Lemon in this mask will reduce the oiliness from the surface of skin, making your skin dry and tight. Rose water is antiseptic and an excellent cleanser, toner which will give you clean and fresh skin. Glycerin will hydrate the skin by moistening the skin properly.
This is a perfect face mask to treat oily skin ailments such as acne, acne scars and pimples. You must do a patch test to know if this lotion will suits your skin or not.
Excessive oil on the surface of skin, shiny face, greasy look, frequent breakouts, painful zits, acne scars, acne spots, blackheads, whiteheads are common symptoms of oily skin. Besides having so many problems and troubles with oily skin, it tends to have less wrinkles and better looking skin. Though homemade face masks will give results gradually unlike other cosmetic beauty treatments, these natural remedies are chemical free and gentle to skin.

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